barney pick up lines

How I Met Your Mother pick up lines

Top 10 Barney Stinson Pick-Up Lines

Barney Stinson LEGENDARY CHALLENGE - Pick up a girl without using the letter 'e'

Legendary pick up lines from season 3 How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother Pick Up Lines from season 4

7 Women 7 Nights || Barney's PERFECT WEEK || How I Met Your Mother HIMYM

How I Met Your Mother | Barney's pick up lines | How I Met Your mother

How I Met Your Mother pick up lines from season 5

himym barney picks up a girl while talking like a little boy

Greatest Pickup Line Of All Time😎 | How I Met Your Mother

How I Met Your Mother pick up lines 2

how i met your mother barney best pick up lines | Neil Patrick Harris

10 minutes of barney stinson

Barney’s Best Pickup Line Yet 😂

The Funniest pick up line by Barney in How I Met Your Mother (The Time Traveler)

The Lorenzo Von Matterhorn.wmv

HIMYM - Barney’s best pick up line

A guide to pick up hot girls (part 1) - Barney Stinson

The best pickup line of all time.  S01 E21 #himym #tedmosby #barneystinson #robinscherbatsky

How I Met Your Mother || Barney: I Have An Extremely Attractive Straight Twin Brother #shorts #himym

Barney's truth serum drunk

How I Met Your Mother: Barney Trying to Act Older to Pick Up Girls.

Best Pick-up line to impress a girl #90s #2023 #awesome #barney #himym #plzsubscribe #ted #tv

Angel pick up line | HIMYM